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LokiCraft Build and Destroy Blocks. Get Resources and Create various Tools, Blocks and Weapons with which you can survive and build unique Buildings. Choose your path in this world - the Builder (Creative mode) or the Ruthless Hunter who will do everything to survive (Survival mode)! ~ Be on the alert, in this world there are not only many peaceful animals, but also a huge number of MONSTERS! Fight with them, and you will receive valuable resources as a reward! ~ Explore the world, Swim across the seas to discover new lands and get resources - the world is almost limitless. ~ Build various structures - houses, castles, farms, cities ... You can build whatever you want. The game has more than a hundred blocks and various items available. ~ If you decide to survive, you will have to monitor hunger and eat on time. Look for food, grow crops or kill mobs for Meat! ~ Build your House to hide from the Monsters, and then you will definitely survive the Night! After all, they will come for you ... Zombies, Huge Spiders and other hostile mobs. Actions in this world are limited only by your imagination! The game does not require any skills - you can figure it out in the first minutes of the game. In our game you are always and everywhere, you can have a good time. And it is absolutely FREE!
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