Kick the Buddy

Kick the Buddy

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About This game

Apkguides Review

Kick buddy arrives on Google Play Explode, destroy, fire, shoot, smash, freeze, toss, send the power of the Gods and don't even think about stopping. You now have a virtually limitless arsenal to beat: rockets, grenades, automatic rifles, and even a nuclear bomb! We present to you Kick the Buddy — it’s more than just a relaxing game it’s more than stress game. It’s a top interactive action game. Among all stress relief games, Kick Buddy is a relaxing game where you can slap the doll and forget about your anger. It's a fun game to play when bored. Do you want to beat the boss, or maybe slap and bash the ragdoll? Want to smash all around you in this destroying game? Want more kicks? Even if you're a relatively stress-free person you need to chill out at some point in stress games like ours.
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By Kitty

Kick the Buddy is my go-to game whenever I'm feeling bored or frustrated. It's incredibly entertaining to see the buddy's reactions to different weapons and objects. The developers have done a fantastic job with this app.


By Rocky

I've tried many stress relief apps, but none of them compare to Kick the Buddy. The level of interactivity and the amount of customization options available make it stand out from the rest. It's a great way to release tension and have some fun.


By Sadie

As a fan of action games, I was initially skeptical about Kick the Buddy. However, after giving it a try, I was pleasantly surprised. The gameplay is addictive, the graphics are outstanding, and the constant updates keep me engaged. Highly recommend!


By Tilly

This app is so addictive! I find myself playing it for hours at a time. The physics-based gameplay is so satisfying, especially when I use the grenades. Definitely a must-have for anyone looking to blow off some steam.


By Toby

I absolutely love Kick the Buddy! It's such a stress reliever for me after a long day at work. The graphics are impressive and the variety of weapons is amazing! Highly recommend.



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