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About This app

Apkguides Review

Cardboard puts virtual reality on your smartphone. The Cardboard app helps you launch your favorite VR experiences, discover new apps, and set up a viewer. To fully enjoy this app you'll need a Cardboard viewer. Learn more and get your own Cardboard viewer at http://g.co/cardboard. Share your experience through our Google+ community at http://g.co/cardboarddevs. By using this app you agree to be bound by our Google Terms of Service (Google ToS, http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS), Googles general Privacy Policy (http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/), and the additional terms below. This app is a Service as defined in the Google ToS and the terms regarding software in our Services apply to your use of this app. Do not use this app while driving, walking, or otherwise by being distracted or disoriented from real world situations that prevent you from obeying traffic or safety laws.
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By Cooper

I enjoy using Cardboard with my friends. We have a great time exploring different virtual reality environments and playing games together.


By Milo

I love using Cardboard for virtual reality experiences. The app has a wide variety of content to choose from and the quality is impressive.


By Poppy

I appreciate that Cardboard offers a range of experiences, from thrilling roller coasters to peaceful nature walks. There is something for everyone to enjoy.


By Quill

Cardboard is a great introduction to virtual reality. The app is easy to use and the interface is intuitive.


By Vinnie

The graphics in Cardboard are amazing. The app really transports you to another world and makes you feel like you are truly there.



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