By Hugo
I've tried a few similar games, but Vlogger Go Viral is by far the best. It's well-designed, has a lot of content to explore, and the in-game events keep things interesting. Definitely worth downloading.
By Kiki
Vlogger Go Viral is my favorite game to play when I'm bored. It's a great way to pass the time and it's surprisingly realistic. I highly recommend it to all aspiring content creators.
By Stella
As a real YouTuber, I can say that Vlogger Go Viral captures the essence of the platform perfectly. It's a great simulator for anyone who wants to experience what it's like to be a popular content creator.
By Ulysses
I love Vlogger Go Viral! It's so much fun to create my own videos and manage my virtual channel. The graphics are great and the gameplay is addictive.
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By Daisy
This app is amazing! It's easy to play and you can customize your character and studio. I love the challenges and the ability to collaborate with other virtual YouTubers.