Inkitt – 英語の小説読み上げアプリ

Inkitt – 英語の小説読み上げアプリ


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  • 目次機能やブックマーク機能など、基本的な小説読み上げ機能が備わっている
  • オフラインでも小説を読むことができる便利な機能
  • パーソナライズされたおすすめ作品を提案してくれる機能があり、新たな作品に出会える可能性が高い
  • コミュニティ機能があるため、他の読者や作者とコミュニケーションを取ることができる


  • シンプルなインターフェースで使いやすい
  • ユーザーが小説を見つけやすいよう、カテゴリ分けや検索機能があり、読みたい作品をすぐに見つけることができる
  • 読み上げ速度やフォントサイズなど、個人の好みに合わせてカスタマイズ可能


  • シンプルでモダンなデザインが魅力的
  • テーマカラーが明るく、読書の雰囲気に合っている


  • 多くの無料小説が提供されており、幅広いジャンルから選ぶことができる
  • 作家が直接投稿した作品もあり、新たな才能を発見する楽しみがある
  • コミュニティ機能により、他の読者との交流ができるため、作品について語り合える環境がある


  • 英語の小説がメインであり、他の言語での作品が少ない
  • 音声読み上げ機能にはいくつかの改善の余地があり、時々不自然な読み方をすることがある





By Acey

As an aspiring writer, I find the Inkitt app to be an invaluable resource. Not only does it provide access to a wide range of captivating stories to inspire my own writing, but it also offers a platform to share my work and receive feedback from a supportive community. The app is user-friendly, and I love the option to download stories for offline reading. Truly a must-have for writers!


By Acey

Inkitt is the app that brought back my love for reading. The intuitive layout and smooth reading experience make it a joy to consume content. I appreciate the ability to customize the reading background and font size to suit my preferences. The app also offers regular updates and new releases, ensuring that there's always something exciting to read. Highly recommended!


By Kitty

I stumbled upon the Inkitt app by chance, and I'm so glad I did. It's like having a library in my pocket, with thousands of engaging stories at my fingertips. The app's search and filter features make it easy to discover books that match my interests, and the bookmarking option ensures that I never lose my place. The community aspect adds an extra layer of enjoyment, as I can discuss and share my thoughts on the stories I read. 10/10!


By Milo

Inkitt has quickly become my go-to app for finding captivating stories. The variety of genres available is impressive, and I appreciate how the app recommends personalized book suggestions based on my reading preferences. The writing quality of the stories is generally high, with many undiscovered gems waiting to be found. I highly recommend this app to all avid readers.


By Peanut

I absolutely love using the Inkitt app to discover new books and novels. The user interface is sleek and easy to navigate, making it a pleasure to browse through the vast selection of stories. The community aspect is also a great feature, as it allows me to connect with fellow book lovers and share recommendations. Overall, a fantastic app for bookworms!



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