Gaia GPS: Offroad Hiking Maps

Gaia GPS: Offroad Hiking Maps


Apkguides レビュー


  • オフロードハイキングに特化した豊富な地図データが利用可能
  • 高度なナビゲーション機能で、トレイルの追跡やウェイポイントの管理が簡単
  • リアルタイムの天候情報や気象予報が表示され、ハイキング計画に役立つ
  • インポート・エクスポート機能により、自分のデータを他のアプリと共有できる


  • 直感的なインターフェースで初心者でも簡単に操作できる
  • 地図のスクロールや拡大縮小がスムーズで、快適な操作環境を提供


  • シンプルで見やすいデザインが採用されており、情報の整理がしやすい
  • カスタマイズ可能な表示設定により、ユーザーに合わせたデザインが可能


  • 地図データの詳細さと正確性が高く、オフロードハイキングに最適
  • 高度なナビゲーション機能があり、トレイルを追跡しやすい
  • 天候情報や気象予報がリアルタイムで表示され、安全なハイキング計画が立てられる


  • 一部の機能が有料プランに制限されており、完全な機能を利用するにはサブスクリプションが必要
  • 一部のユーザーは初期設定や設定変更がやや複雑と感じるかもしれない
  • 日本語対応が不完全なため、一部の情報が英語で表示される可能性がある

以上が Gaia GPS: Offroad Hiking Maps のレビューでした。使いやすいインターフェースと豊富な地図データが特徴であり、オフロードハイキングに最適なナビゲーションアプリです。ただし、有料プランの制限や日本語対応の不完全さには注意が必要です。




By Ivy

Gaia GPS is a fantastic app that has become an essential tool for my outdoor explorations. The map layers are comprehensive and provide all the necessary information for safe navigation. The ability to mark waypoints, measure distances, and record tracks has been immensely useful. The offline maps have saved me multiple times when I lost network connectivity. The customer support team is also highly responsive and helpful. I couldn't ask for a better hiking app!


By Penny

As someone who loves offroad hiking, I can't recommend Gaia GPS enough. The maps are incredibly detailed and include important information like elevation, water sources, and trail difficulty. I appreciate the ability to download maps for offline use, as I often find myself in areas with poor network coverage. The app also has a wide range of additional features like compass, weather forecasts, and tracking stats. It's definitely worth the investment!


By Ruby

Gaia GPS has revolutionized the way I plan and navigate my outdoor adventures. The app offers an extensive library of trails, maps, and points of interest that cater to all levels of hiking experience. What sets it apart is the ability to create custom routes and waypoints, allowing me to tailor my hikes to my preferences. The app also syncs seamlessly with my devices and offers convenient sharing options, making it easy to collaborate with fellow adventurers. It's a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast!


By Vixen

This app is a game-changer for outdoor enthusiasts like me! The extensive collection of offroad hiking maps has made it easier than ever to explore new trails. The GPS functionality is accurate and reliable, which gives me peace of mind when venturing into unfamiliar terrains. The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it a breeze to map out my hikes and track my progress. Highly recommended!


By Yoshi

I've tried several hiking apps, but Gaia GPS is by far the best one out there. The high-quality topographic maps, ability to record tracks, and offline functionality make it an excellent companion on the trail. The app is very reliable and hasn't let me down even in remote wilderness areas. The subscription is well worth it considering the wealth of features and frequent updates. I can confidently say that Gaia GPS has dramatically enhanced my outdoor experiences.





4.4 star
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99: Vá de Carro, Moto ou Taxi

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Bolt: Request a Ride

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4.7 star
Rapido: Bike-Taxi, Auto & Cabs

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4.6 star


4.2 star
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4.3 star
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4.0 star
Radarbot: スピードカメラ検知 & 速度計

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4.1 star


4.5 star
NAVER Map, Navigation

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3.2 star
Careem: Food, Groceries & more

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4.2 star
Yango: taxi, food, delivery

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4.7 star
GPS マップ アプリ - 道順、交通状況、ナビゲーション

GPS マップ アプリ - 道順、交通状況、ナビゲーション

4.2 star


3.8 star
카카오 T - 택시, 대리, 주차, 바이크, 항공, 퀵

카카오 T - 택시, 대리, 주차, 바이크, 항공, 퀵

3.4 star
what3words: これでもう道に迷わない

what3words: これでもう道に迷わない

4.1 star
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HERE WeGo マップ & ナビゲーション

3.3 star
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MapFactor Navigator

4.3 star
ルートファインダー - マップナビゲーション

ルートファインダー - マップナビゲーション

4.3 star
카카오내비 - 주차,발렛,전기차충전,세차,보험,중고차

카카오내비 - 주차,발렛,전기차충전,세차,보험,중고차

3.8 star
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4.7 star
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4.2 star
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4.2 star
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スピードメーター : オドメーター そして 速度 トラッカ

4.4 star
티맵 - 대중교통, 대리운전, 주차, 렌터카, 공항버스

티맵 - 대중교통, 대리운전, 주차, 렌터카, 공항버스

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4.2 star
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3.6 star
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4.4 star
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4.0 star
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3.8 star
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4.4 star
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4.2 star
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3.5 star


4.8 star
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3.3 star
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4.4 star
Transit • Subway & Bus Times

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4.5 star
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3.6 star
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位置情報共有アプリ - gps 追跡アプリ, 位置情報アプリ

4.4 star

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