以上が私の都市建設3D : 放置経営シミュのアプリレビューです。機能や使いやすさ、デザイン面など、総合的に見ると満足度の高いゲームであり、長く楽しむことができると思います。ただし、進行が遅いと感じることがあるので、忍耐力が必要かもしれません。放置ゲームが好きな方にはおすすめです。
By Ivy
I really enjoy playing Idle City Builder. The game is relaxing and addictive. I love how you can build and manage your own city at your own pace. Highly recommend!
By Luna
I love the concept of Idle City Builder. It's a unique spin on the usual city-building games. The idle aspect adds a new level of engagement and strategy. It's a game you can easily spend hours on.
By Sadie
Idle City Builder is the perfect game for those who enjoy the simulation genre. The controls are intuitive, the graphics are pleasing to the eye, and there's always something to do in the game. It's highly addictive!
By Vinnie
Idle City Builder is a great game to pass the time. The graphics are beautiful and the gameplay is easy to understand. It's a fun way to build and expand your own city.
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Apkguides は、Google、Android OEM、Android アプリケーション開発者とはいかなる形でも提携していません。
By Bambi
I've been playing Idle City Builder for a while now and it never gets old. The developers constantly add new features and events, keeping the game fresh and exciting. It's a great tycoon game for city-building enthusiasts.