Do you want your children to behave well and listen to you once and for all? Children's Police is the best option to achieve it by making a little fake prank call to the police 😂😂😂
The objective of this application is to help parents to discipline their children when they are misbehaving in different situations.
The application has different pre-recorded audios simulating a call to the police where, through various questions, the father pretends to have a real conversation with the police and asks for help so that his son behaves appropriately in any situation.
The audios are directed to simulate a call with the police in case of bad behavior of your children and also contains a simulation of a call with the police to reward them when they are behaving well.
NOTE: The proper use of this application is the responsibility of the parents or guardians since the intention of this app is that through a joke inappropriate behavior can be corrected.