FACE SHAPE METER is a simple and easy to use tool for identifying your face shape from your picture. Knowing your face shape can be useful in many different areas. For example, you would need to check your shape of face for finding “the right” haircut or hairstyle, sun glasses that fit you well the best makeup or contouring for your face, or even wig or hat that suits you best.
To determine your face shape you would need to do 3 simple steps:
1. make or upload picture
2. outline your face with special contour as shown on screenshots
3. press the button and see the result for your face
- For best result use a picture with neutral face expression, where your head is directed straight to the camera. Turning your head might affect the final result.
- Before measurements make sure your hairline is visible
You can also check what popular eyeglass or sun-glass frames suit your face shape best and try them on
☎ If you have any problem with the app on your device or with getting face shape result, if you need assistance or want to cancel your order, please contact
[email protected] and we will try to help you.
Thank you and enjoy the app!
VisTech.Projects Team.