Music Player - MP3 & Audio

Music Player - MP3 & Audio


About This app

Apkguides Review

Experience high-quality music playback. This offline music player offers a sleek design and powerful features, all in a small package. Manage your playlists and albums with ease. What we offer - High-quality music playback. - Song, genre, playlist, album, and artist tabs. - Powerful Equalizer with multiple EQ profiles, bass boost, and surround sound (3D audio). - System Equalizer option. - Smart playlists - Song and album tag editors. - Audiobook controls. - Music player widgets. - Lock screen and notification controls. - Bluetooth music controls - Music library search. - Multiple "Now Playing" styles. - Stunning music player themes (requires in-app purchase) - Sleep timer (requires in-app purchase) - UI color customization (requires in-app purchase) Please note that this app is an offline music player and does not support music streaming or downloads. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. Your feedback is always appreciated. This application is open source under the GNU GPL v3 License. https://github.com/mP0-22git/22player-repo-5b
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