Glass Material Theme

Glass Material Theme


About This app

This theme requires a little setup on your part. Please read a description below. The screen resolution for this theme is 1920x1080 (without Softkeys) Required to install: - Nova Launcher (or some other launchers) - Zooper Widget Pro - Tasker (if you want Whatsapp and Hangout notification) - Media Utilities Instructions: After downloading and installing theme go to launcher settings and set: – desktop grid 10×6 (10 rows, 6 columns) without margins – disable dock – hide notification bar – disable “show shadow” – set 3 pages after setting launcher go to homescreen first page and add a 6x1 zooper widget on homescreen. Resize this widget on full screen. Tap on the widget and when it opens select template "Glass Material Weather" from Glass Material Theme folder. Then repeat procedure with others widget. Here are other widget size: - Glass Material Home (10x6) - second page - Glass Material Music (10x6) - third page Also, do not forget to use the menu "Scaling" if widget don't fit to screen properly. Maybe you will have to set up your favorite dialer,cloud,weather or messenger app (when its is not open). For doing this open the widget and go to Layout module on tap/App List and choose your app. Media Utilities: In Media Utilities settings you need select integration with Zooper Widget, Coverart available and Song progress. Tasker: If you want show Whatsapp and Hangout notifications you need install Tasker. Here you can download configuration Tasker files. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_MqKjthr9gkfnZFZXpNTkd5S1o4NFRleUJQM2dhZ0U5ZXpldkRnYkN6Uy1xeHpINHRZOVk&usp=sharing For this theme use only Whatsapp and Hangout configuration files. Unzip and copy xml files to following folder on your sdcard (Example: /sdcard/Tasker/profiles/) Then import this files to the Tasker (open Tasker and long tap on "Profiles" - then select Import) IMPORTANT: IF YOU HAVE SOME TROUBLE WITH THE FONTS AND ICONS, DOWNLOAD THE FONTS PACK, UNZIP AND PLACE THEM AT THE FOLDER "ZOOPER WIDGET/ FONTS". LINK: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_MqKjthr9gkfkstT3ljeFBNS3M2NlZSQjJKTjFUdFlhRWRrbFR4Y3drX19vTnAyUDVLTDA&usp=sharing IF YOU HAVE SOME TROUBLE WITH PICTURES, DOWNLOAD THE BITMAPS PACK, UNZIP AND PLACE THEM AT THE FOLDER "ZOOPER WIDGET/ BITMAPS". LINK: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_MqKjthr9gkfmRfTGpCVmRac09kbXRfT0hWYXF2dE5KbzRGdVN6TnQzU3AxRkpLWi1Za3c&usp=sharing IF YOU HAVE SOME TROUBLE WITH WEATHER ICONS, DOWNLOAD THE WEATHER ICONS PACK AND PLACE THEM AT THE FOLDER "ZOOPER WIDGET/ ICONSETS". https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_MqKjthr9gkVjFXX2FJc2NUT1k/view?usp=sharing If you run into any trouble or you need a help with instalation feel free to email me.
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