Fonty - Draw and Make Fonts

Fonty - Draw and Make Fonts


About This app

Apkguides Review

Create your own fonts with Fonty - the easy-to-use font making app that provides limitless font customization for everyone. The font editor gives you full creative power to make truly unique handwritten fonts or simply personalize existing ones and express yourself through text. Draw your own letters, use shapes, cut and splice, and even add awesome clipart, Fonty has got it all. Whether you're a lettering newbie or a seasoned typography master, you'll never want to use boring old fonts again. Features: Auto-save and Drafts so you never lose your work Font Preview to see how your new alphabet looks every step of the way Easy font export to other devices and applications Visual guides and lettering hints to help you along the way Support for over 15 languages and alphabets, with more coming soon Brushes to make elegant calligraphy Stickers to truly personalize and beautify your fonts
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By Jax

As someone who loves calligraphy, Fonty is a dream come true. The brush options are fantastic and the ability to fine-tune every aspect of the font makes it a must-have tool for any calligrapher.


By Luna

I've been using Fonty for a while now and it never disappoints. The quality of fonts I can create is outstanding, and it saves me a lot of time compared to other font-making apps. Very satisfied!


By Quincy

I love using Fonty to create unique fonts for my projects. The interface is user-friendly and the variety of customization options is impressive. Highly recommend!


By Rocky

Fonty is a game-changer for me as a designer. It's fun and easy to use, and allows me to add a personal touch to my typography. Definitely worth trying out!


By Winston

I recently started using Fonty and it has exceeded my expectations. The pre-made templates are great for beginners, but there's also enough flexibility for advanced users. I've already created several unique fonts for my personal projects.



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