Gemstone Lights HUB

Gemstone Lights HUB


About This app

The Gem­stone Lights™ Cloud-based app is here. The "HUB" is a state of the art, live pro­gram­mer and con­troller for Gem­stone Lights™ prod­ucts. The Gem­stone Lights™ app is de­signed to be used with our new­est cloud-based "HUB" con­troller. Cus­tomers can now con­trol and pro­gram the Gem­stone Lights™ Track sys­tem and Deck sys­tem. Cloud-based se­cure sign in. Con­trol your lights from any­where there is a net­work or cel­lu­lar con­nec­tion. FUL­LY CUS­TOMIZABLE COL­ORS Cre­ate Mul­ti­ple Col­ors to show­case your fa­vorite Sports Teams, Na­tion­al Hol­i­days, Char­i­ty Events, Birth­days, and More! (In­clud­ing Christ­mas) WARM WHITE LED Our Lights in­clude a 4th Warm White LED. Mix and match RGB with W to get a full ar­ray of col­ors. Use the warm white for soft am­bi­ent light­ing, all year round. DIM­MA­BLE LIGHTS Gem­stone Lights are BRIGHT and you can eas­i­ly dim them to a light glow with the slide of a but­ton. DOWN­LOAD­ABLE PAT­TERNS & AN­I­MA­TIONS En­joy hun­dreds of pre-built col­ors, pat­terns, themes, and an­i­ma­tions. MES­MER­IZ­ING AN­I­MA­TIONS With our pre­set an­i­ma­tions, you can cre­ate flow­ing pat­terns, fades, jumps, shifts and oth­er fun or el­e­gant move­ments. SET MUL­TI­PLE TIMERS No need to buy ex­ter­nal timers, Gem­stone Lights App al­lows the user to pro­gram mul­ti­ple timers. Re­peat year­ly for birth­days or change every hour of the day, you are in con­trol of what col­ors and pat­terns turn on. AR­CHI­TEC­TUR­AL LIGHT­ING En­joy com­plete con­trol and ver­sa­til­i­ty. Turn on a cou­ple of lights for beau­ti­ful ar­chi­tec­tur­al light­ing, light up a side­walk or the en­trance to your home. Op­tions are end­less!
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